Kids Area - Great Britons


Women's History

What was life like for women and girls in the past?

On this page, we’ve collected stories from prehistory through to the 20th century. Do you want to know what medieval noblewomen did with their time? Or how many languages Elizabeth I could speak? (It’s a lot!) Or which Victorian countess was writing some of the first computer coding?  Well, we’ve got you covered.  

Scroll down to dive into the fascinating tales of brave and inspiring women from history.

Draw Princess Sophia Duleep Singh

Calling all aspiring artists! Join Kids Rule! illustrator Wesley Robins to learn how to draw Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, who campaigned for women's rights. Grab some paper and a pencil or pen and get ready!

Famous queens

Discover two of England's most famous queens – Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria. Read their stories, then follow our step-by-step guides to draw them too!

Image: 5 Illustrated portraits of women from history

Inspiring women from history

Did you know that the first computer programmer was a woman? Have you heard about the Elizabethan countess who had two houses being built and furnished at the same time? Or even that in the past, only men were allowed to vote in elections?

Discover the stories of six inspirational women from history: who they were, what they did and why we should remember them today. 

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A day in their lives...

What was life like for young girls growing up in the past? Find out as we step into the the shoes of Frances Anne, daughter of a Tudor Earl, and Georgian girl Jemima Campbell.

More stories to discover

Find out about the lives of women in the past with this collection of videos. Discover what it was like to be a medieval merchant, what it took to run a grand Georgian house, how to be a Victorian cook and more. Plus, look out for models to make and recipes for you to try at home!