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91 results for wroxeter roman city

Discover urban-living 2,000 years ago at Viroconium Cornoviorum (Wroxeter) - one of the largest cities in Roman Britain.
Prices and Opening Times for Wroxeter Roman City
Prices and Opening Times for Wroxeter Roman City
Wroxeter (or 'Viroconium' ) was the fourth largest city in Roman Britain. It began as a legionary fortress and later developed into a thriving civilian city.
2,000 year-old-mosaic discovered at Wroxeter Roman City
A remarkable 2000-year-old Roman mosaic has been uncovered during excavations at Wroxeter Roman city.
Description of Wroxeter Roman City
Unusually for a Roman city in Britain, Wroxeter’s desertion means that its site and surrounding landscape are little changed. It's still possible to envisage the landscape that the city was set in.
Sources for Wroxeter Roman City
A list of the most easily accessible sources available for the study of Wroxeter Roman City.
Roman 'Pendants' Revealed to be Ancient Makeup Applicators
Rare Roman cosmetic sets shown in English Heritage's new History Inspired Makeup Tutorial are on display at Wroxeter Roman City for the first time
Research on Wroxeter Roman City
Wroxeter’s importance as a major Roman city in Britain underlines the importance of continuing to research its past.
Significance of Wroxeter Roman City
Wroxeter is probably the best-preserved Roman city in Britain, as well as one of the largest. It is roughly the same size as Pompeii in Italy but only a fraction of it can be seen today.
Roman "Pendants" Revealed to be Ancient Make-Up Applicators
Researchers at English Heritage have discovered that previously identified Roman pendants at Wroxeter Roman City in Shropshire were actually cosmetic sets used for eye make-up, the charity revealed today (18 September). The objects are on display at Wroxeter for the first time from today.