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398 results for whats on in October
Deal Castle was built in 1539–40 on Henry VIII’s order as an artillery fortress, designed to allow all-round firepower from over 140 guns. For over 250 years it defended the important naval anchorage called the Downs.
This fascinating building houses a fabulous collection of burials dating from Saxon to Victorian times. The building itself has a Saxon tower and was expanded during the Norman and Medieval periods. You can trace the outline of the development from inside, with previous wall and roof levels being clearly visible. A visit here would help bring both history and science topics to life for most Key stages.
Founded in about 1119 by an ancestor of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, Gisborough Priory was rebuilt twice on a grand scale. At the time of its suppression in 1539 it was the fourth richest monastery in Yorkshire.
English Heritage looks after nine important monuments in London, erected in the 19th and 20th centuries – commemorating victories and memorialising those who had lost their lives in war. Browse all the London monuments in our care in the gallery below.
Watch our past Members' lectures, covering topics including monastic Christmas, prehistory and the imagination, the Battle of Hastings, life and death in a medieval castle and much more besides.
Divine Retribution at the Jewel Tower, Westminster
How the 14th-century monks of Westminster Abbey interpreted the ‘wretched death’ of their hated next-door neighbour, the Keeper of the Palace of Westminster, as celestially ordained.
Great Days Out: Reasons to return
Think you’ve seen everything your local English Heritage properties have to offer? Think again! Here are 10 ways to discover something new during a family day out this autumn.