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89 results for stokesay castle
Find out how to book your next group day out to Stokesay Castle. We offer a discount to groups of 11 or more paying visitors.
Laurence of Ludlow and Medieval Wool Wealth
Find out how the extraordinary growth of the wool trade not only paid for the building of Stokesay Castle, but also bought its owner influence in national politics.
Faithful Subject or Rebel? A 14th-century Knight and a Protest Poem
In 1342 Sir Laurence Ludlow of Stokesay Castle was arrested by the king for failing to collect taxes. Was he connected with a protest poem composed at the time?
Step into England’s story in the West Midlands and discover how the region has shaped our history.
From beautiful gardens and fairytale castles to spectacular ruins and Roman cities, the West Midlands region is packed with great days out for everyone this season.
History through your lens: Top picks from Instagram in December
Many of you took the chance to get out and about in December with frosty walks, coastal adventures and indoor escapes to England’s historic houses and palaces.