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199 results for bolsover
Historic Places with Literary Links
If you're a book-lover, artist, or poet - or you wish you were - our guide to sites with links to English literature should give you plenty of inspiration.
Use our helpful guides to plan the best family day out at historic places around the country.
New research reveals previously undiscovered 'witches marks' at Gainsborough Old Hall
Research at Gainsborough Old Hall in Lincolnshire has revealed a staggering array of carved ritual protection, or apotropaic marks (sometimes called 'witches marks'), the most identified at any of our 400 sites.
From 22 July - 3 September, take your family on a fun adventure with a historical twist.
Our historic places are primed for summer fun in June with live jousting, blooming gardens and events for dad this Father's Day.
10 Sites to visit this Half Term
Make history at our sites this half-term. Here we've put together ten of the best sites to visit with the kids, from battle grounds and castle forts to country houses and coastal views.
We asked our Facebook followers to name their favourite castle in England, and hundreds of you voted for the places you love.
10 Sites to Visit this Twixmas
Make sense of the hazy blur between Christmas and New Year with memorable days out the whole family will love.
Discover how the inhabitants of English Heritage properties throughout the ages coped with winter.