Aldborough Roman Site

Aldborough Collection Highlights

The Aldborough collection has been developed since the 17th century when antiquarian interest in the Roman site began. We now have over 4,000 objects registered in the collection. 

The finds range in date from prehistory to post-medieval, with the majority being Roman, dating from the 1st to the 4th centuries AD. They include rare and unique coins, ceramics, glass vessels, animal bone, mosaics, architectural stonework and stone sculpture.

Use the gallery below to browse some of the highlights of the collection.


Andrew Lawson, who owned much of Aldborough in the 19th century, established its first museum, initially in his house, then in a purpose-built building on the site in 1863. His descendant Lady Lawson-Tancred gifted the museum and its contents to the nation in the 1950s. Since then, the collection has expanded with additions from further excavations and chance finds. A selection of the finds can be viewed at the on-site museum when you visit Aldborough

Explore more

  • Visit Aldborough Roman Site

    Roman remains in a Victorian arboretum

  • History of Aldborough

    Read the history of Aldborough and how it developed from an early settlement into a large bustling Roman town.

  • Explore Roman Britain

    In this introduction to Roman Britain, learn more about Roman daily life, politics, religion, art and commerce. 

  • More histories

    Delve into our history pages to discover more about our sites, how they have changed over time, and who made them what they are today.