There are roadworks on the A696 through Belsay village until 28 February 2025. Delays are likely, and there may be diversions in place. Please visit Northumberland Council website for further information. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Prices and Opening times for Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens
Book ahead and save 15%
Save at least 15% when you book in advance.
You can book online until 8.45am on the day of your visit. You can still buy a ticket when you arrive, but you won’t get the discount.
Your booking is only for entry to the site or event.
Tickets are valid all day, so you can arrive at any time and stay for as long as you like within our opening hours.
Tickets are free for English Heritage members. You can still book online if you’d like – just remember to bring your membership card.
You can join as a member online or during your visit.
We can’t wait to see you at Belsay Hall soon.
Book online save 15%