Sources for Benwell Roman Temple
The main account of the excavation of the temple is GW Rendal (recte Rendel), ‘The Benwell discoveries’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 2nd series, 6 (1865), 169–71.

Material Sources/Collections
No records of the excavation at the temple of Antenociticus survive.
The three altars from the temple and the sculptured head of Antenociticus are displayed in the Great North Museum in Newcastle.
Published Inscriptions
Collingwood, RG and Wright, RP, The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, vol 1: Inscriptions on Stone (Oxford, 1965), nos. 1327–9 [the Benwell inscriptions can also be viewed online]
Published Sculpture
Phillips, EJ, Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, vol 1, fascicule 1: Corbridge, Hadrian’s Wall East of the North Tyne (Oxford, 1977) [nos. 230–31 – decoration of two of the altars from the temple; no. 232 – head and two other fragments of statue of Antenociticus]
Visual Sources
‘W.H.’, Temple of Antenociticus, Benwell, 1881, watercolour (Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, ref TWCMS: H12767)
Drawings by James Irwin Coates (dated 1879), reproduced in Wilmott, T (ed), Hadrian’s Wall: Archaeological Research by English Heritage 1976–2000 (Swindon, 2009), 12
Written Sources
Antiquarian Accounts
Bruce, JC, ‘Altars to Antenociticus discovered at Condercum’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 2nd series, 6 (1865), 153–5 [analyses the inscriptions on the altars; accessed 26 Nov 2012]
Rendal (recte Rendel), GW, ‘The Benwell discoveries’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 2nd series, 6 (1865), 169–71 [accessed 26 Nov 2012]
Other Publications
Brewis, P, ‘A cruciform brooch from Benwell, Newcastle upon Tyne’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 13 (1936), 117–21 [an Anglo-Saxon brooch from west of the temple]
Jobey, G and Maxwell, D, ‘A square-headed brooch from Benwell’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4th series, 35 (1957), 282–4 [a second Anglo-Saxon brooch from west of the temple]
Lewis, MJT, Temples in Roman Britain (Cambridge, 1965), 72–3 [analysis of the plan of the temple]
Salway, P, The Frontier People of Roman Britain (Cambridge, 1967), 70–76 [account of the civilian settlement outside the fort at Benwell, in which the temple stood]
Spain, GRB, ‘The Benwell altar dedicated to the god Antenociticus by the 1st cohort of the Vangiones’, Archaeologia Aeliana, 3rd series, 21 (1924), 182
Spain, GB, Bosanquet, RC and Simpson, FG, ‘The Roman frontier from Wallsend to Rudchester Burn’, A History of Northumberland, vol 13 (Newcastle upon Tyne and London, 1930), 484–565 [detailed account of all the discoveries at Benwell before the discovery of the Vallum causeway]