Group visits to Carisbrooke Castle

A mighty medieval fortress, a prison for a tragic king and the home of Queen Victoria's youngest daughter, Carisbrooke's stories will intrigue any group. Key to the Isle of Wight's defence for over nine centuries, it also served as a prison for King Charles I before his trial and execution. Now the most famous modern residents are our friendly Carisbrooke donkeys.

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Group Discount

We offer a 10% discount for organised groups of 15 or more paying visitors when payment is made in a single transaction.
Per group you also receive:

  • free entry for one tour leader
  • free entry for one coach driver

The tour leader, coach driver and any English Heritage members do not count towards the group totals.

If you are travel trade please contact us to find out more about dedicated trade rates.

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Booking information

Group admission prices and opening times:

Please refer to our Group Admission Prices & Site Opening Times brochure for pricing and opening times information at our top sites for groups. 

Making a booking:

Contact information for making your group booking can be found in the Visit & Contact Information section below.

Please include the property name and date of visit in the subject line of your email along with the following information:

  • Group name
  • Name of property
  • Tour reference/booking reference (if applicable)
  • Date and time of arrival
  • Number of visitors

Payment method:

Payment can be made on arrival by: cash, credit/debit card, Agency Voucher Scheme (AVS).

Visit & Contact information

  • Coach parking: 8 free coach parking spaces a few metres away from site entrance. Please contact the Visitor Operations Site Supervisor on +44 (0)1983 522107 for availability.
  • Catering: Self service cafe serving hot and cold food, opens when the castle is open and closes 1 hour before the castle. Seats 35 inside and 30 outside.
  • Museum: The on-site Carisbrooke Museum (managed by the Carisbrooke Museum Trust) provides more historical information about the castle, as well as Charles I memorabilia.
  • Exhibition: An extensive presentation – including film with English subtitles and a virtual tour – highlights Carisbrooke Castle’s long and often tumultuous history.
  • Gardens: As well as lawn and gravelled areas, the property features the Princess Beatrice Gardens designed by TV presenter and award winning garden designer, Chris Beardshaw. Some seating provided around the grounds. There is also a 500 year-old water well operated by donkey.
  • Access: Well house and ground floor of museum are accessible to visitors in wheelchairs. Due to the steep stairs the wall walk, and the upper floor of museum, are inaccessible to wheelchair users.
  • Orientation map: Download a copy of our Carisbrooke Castle orientation map to help with your planning.
  • Average length of visit: 2 hours

Address: Castle Hill, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1XY


Telephone: Carisbrooke Castle: 01983 522107

Local TIC: Please call 01983 813813 if you would like information on other things to do in the area.

Meet the Carisbrooke Donkeys

Greet the Carisbrooke donkeys on their daily 10 minute stint of treading the water wheel - demonstrating how it was used for centuries to draw up water from the castle well.

Find out more

Aerial fam trip

Take flight above Carisbrooke Castle, sitting high and proud at the heart of the Isle of Wight. Experience far reaching panoramic views from high castle walls, or wander the moat to discover King Charles I’s bowling green. Enjoy the tranquil Princess Beatrice Garden, before meeting the famous Carisbrooke donkeys.

Group Travel Support

Further support and useful resources available to group travel organisers can be found on our dedicated Group Visits webpages.

For educational groups, please visit our School Visits webpages.

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