plan your visit
Go to our Directions page and plan your journey to Clifford's Tower by car or public transport.
Find out what Facilities are available for your day out.
Here you can find out everything you need to know about parking, toilets and shopping at Clifford's Tower, as well as other useful information.
Look up Access information for your visit. We have detailed information about what to expect if you have particular needs regarding. You can also find a virtual tour of Clifford's Tour here.
- Mobility/Older Visitors
- Blind/Visually Impaired: Pre-visit information for the audio described tour of Clifford's Tower.
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing
- Learning Difficulties
- Health and Safety
Group Visits
Find out what you need to know for Group Visits.
Look up what discounts there are for groups, as well as how to book your group visit, and see information about tours that may be available.